Frequently asked questions

NAPEI stands for the National Association of Private Educational Institutions

Napei offers a range of benefits to its members :

  • Represents and protects the interests of stakeholders in private education at ministerial and departmental level.
  • Advises on specific issues raised by individual members or members generally and Consultation service on education matters related to government policies and laws.
  • Highlights members problems and issues to the relevant statutory bodies and ministries through dialogues and memorandums forwarded to governmental agencies collectively as an industry.
  • Ensures the voice of its members is heard by sitting on Ministerial committees and boards.
  • Conducts seminars to keep members informed of latest government policies on education.
  • Organizes regular education fairs and school road shows providing opportunities to its members to promote their services and products to the public.
  • Organizes annual dinner to encourage fellowship among its members.
  • Organizes annual NAPEI Excellence Awards to recognize excellence in the provision of education by its members.
  • Training programmes for Napei members at a subsidised rate or free.
  • Provides Up-to-date information on education

To become a member :

  • The institution must be a registered body approved to provide education related services by relevant ministries. Should offer education related services. (Please refer to the members’ site for the range of education services.)
  • Submit a completed application form to the secretariat
  • Enclose Entrance Fee of RM 1000 and Annual Subscription fee of RM 1000.
  • Attach MOA and/or AOA, license or approvals from relevant ministry, institution profile and promotion materials.

NAPEI is different from other associations because it represents all institutions which offer education - related services as per their MOA and are registered with Napei.

Our membership includes universities, university colleges, colleges, language centres, training centres, vocational skills providers, publishers, schools, kindergartens, education exhibitors, education consultants and institutions or organizations that offer core education services.

Members with issues may forward the following to NAPEI:

  • 1. Submit a letter in writing to NAPEI briefly outlining the nature and chronological order of events leading to the issue;
  • 2. Communication related to the issue;
  • 3. Details of the issue;
  • 4. What is expected by the member regarding the issue?

The National Council shall then examine all documents and make a decision as to the course of action to adopt and inform the member about the steps to be taken jointly.

Napei organizes:

  • An Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year within 90 days of closure of the financial year (31st December)
  • Napei also organizes training programmes and policy briefing regularly for members to get information and to meet other members.
  • An annual dinner, Malam Napei, to bring members together for an evening of recognition and fellowship.

You may download the NAPEI constitution from the website or send an email to:

The annual subscription must be paid within 60 days of the commencement of the new financial year to renew membership.

A letter of notification will be sent and Members who still do not renew their membership within 180 days of commencement of the financial year will have their membership terminated and the concerned member must return the registration certificate to Napei Secretariat.

Such institutions may submit a new application along with annual subscription and membership fees and must pay all outstanding dues.

Our website will display information on NAPEI for the perusal of members and public.